Time: 3 hours Max
Marks: 100
(i) Attempt any FIVE questions
(ii) All questions carry equal marks
Q1 Discuss the role of fiscal policy as
an instrument for allocation, distribution and stabilization of economic
activity in a market economy.
Q2 Define and explain the concept of
Pareto optimality. What Pareto optimality conditions need to be satisfied by an
economy to be efficient and equitable?
Q3 Explain the difference between public
goods, club goods and merit goods. Design and explain the efficiency conditions
for the provision of public goods.
Q4 What are externalities? Analyse and
compare these solutions to the externality problem. Which solution do you thing
is most efficient and why?
Q5 What is tax incidence? What factors
determine the incidence of a unit tax? Derive the formula for the social
welfare loss due to the tax when the marginal cost is rising and explain its
Q6 What are proportional, progressive and
regressive income tax rate structures? How does each relate to equity and the
ability to pay?
Q7 Analyse and compare the efficiency and
aquatic characteristics of a proportional and a progressive income tax on
labour supply.
Q8 Write short
notes on the following
(i) Methods of public sector
project evaluation
(ii) Implications of alternate
strategies of deficit financing
Time: 3 hours Max
Marks: 100
(i) Attempt any FIVE questions
(ii) All questions carry equal marks
Q1 What is
meant by market failure? Explain in detail the reasons.
Q2 What is the role of government in the
basic economic decision making? Explain the optimum levels of government
Q3 The government can finance its budgets
deficit by printing money, issuing new bonds, internal and external borrowing
or imposing new taxes. How do these different financing strategies affect
aggregate output, employment, the price level and interest rates?
Q4 Discuss the superiority of the direct
taxes over the indirect taxes in the contest of efficiency losses. Indirect
taxes create welfare loss, how does this loss distribute between consumers and
Q5 Define excess burden. Explain how
excess burden may be associated with government expenditure policy like
Q6 What are the main principles of
taxation? What is the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion? Give
the examples of each.
Q7 Write short note on any TWO of the
(i) Fiscal budget 2018 – 19
(ii) Tax compliance
(iii) Tax incidence
Annual Examination 1997
Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100
1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
- Why do economies fail to attain a Pareto Optimum Allocation of Resources? In what way can government intervention help the economies move towards a PARETO OPTIMALITY?
- State and explain the important SOURCES OF REVENUE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN. Suggest new sources of revenue which government should tap to meet its growing needs.
- Explain with the help of diagram how can individual choice between work and leisure be altered by IMPOSITION OF INCOME TAX.
- Explain the economic IMPLICATIONS OF THE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL DEBT in a developing country like Pakistan.
- Explain with the help of LAFFER CURVE, how lowering of tax rates will estimate incentive to work, save and invest, resulting in substantial expansion of national output and income?
- Define INCIDENCE OF TAX, and explain how the ability of the sellers to shift and ability of buyers to avoid incidence of tax depends upon price elasticity of supply and demand respectively?
- Explain the basic causes of alarming increase in the BUDGET DEFICIT IN PAKISTAN. Suggest suitable remedial measure.
- How can FISCAL POLICY alter different components of aggregate demand to accomplish the goal of full employment level of output?
- Explain the allocation and distribution objectives of BUDGET POLICY.
- Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Public versus Private finance,
(b) Causes of the growth of public sector expenditure in Pakistan,
(c) Costs and benefits analysis,
(d) Merit goods.
Annual Examination 1998
- Taxation is a SOURCE OF FINANCING GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE is more suitable than Borrowings. Discuss with special reference to Pakistan.
- PRIVATISATION, DEREGULATION AND USER CHARGES are being considered as alternative sources of financing development expenditure. Critically examine these policies.
- How far does the INCOME TAX justify the principle of equal treatment of equals?
- Explain the salient features of an effective FISCAL POLICY.
- Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Sources of Financing KMC,
(b) Budget 1999-2000, a review,
(c) Pareto Efficiency.
Annual Examination 1999
- What are the problems, which confront an economy working for attaining Pareto Optimum Allocation of Resources? How can government intervention help to achieve PARETO OPTIMUM?
- Compare various approaches to measure the ‘ability to pay’ of an individual for the purpose of TAXATION. Which one of these approaches do you consider as the most suitable? And why?
- How can FISCAL POLICY alter different components of aggregate demand to accomplish the goal of full employment level of output?
- Explain the ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL DEBT for a developing country like Pakistan.
- Explain with the help of diagram how levying of INCOME TAX alter individual’s choice between leisure and work?
- Distinguish between ‘IMPACT’ AND ‘INCIDENCE’ OF TAX. Explain how:
(a) sellers’ ability to shift the tax,
(b) buyers’ ability to avoid the depend upon price elasticity of supply and price elasticity of demand respectively?
- Elucidate how does GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURE influence the distribution of income?
- Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Merit goods,
(b) Causes of growth of Public Sector Expenditure in Pakistan,
(c) Principle of taxation,
(d) Public versus private finance.
Annual Examination 2000
- Explain in detail the factors that necessitate STATE INTERVENTION IN THE MARKET ECONOMY. Give specific examples.
- What is FISCAL POLICY? What are its objectives? How should the tools of fiscal policy be used to achieve these objectives?
- Compare the various approaches to measure the ‘ability to pay’ for an individual for the purpose of TAXATION. Which one of these approaches do you consider most suitable and why?
- PRIVATISATION, DEREGULATION AND USER CHARGES are being considered as alternative sources of financing development expenditure. Critically examine these policies.
- Explain with the help of diagram, how levying INCOME TAX can alter individual’s choice between leisure and work?
- Discuss BORROWING VERSUS TAXATION as a source of financing government expenditure. Which one is more suitable for Pakistan? Give reasons for your answer.
- Explain the economic IMPLICATIONS OF EXTERNAL DEBT AND AID FOR PAKISTAN, and critically examine the effects of IMF conditionalities on the economic development of Pakistan.
- Explain the basic causes of alarming increase in BUDGET DEFICIT IN PAKISTAN. Suggest suitable remedial measures.
- Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Merit goods,
(b) Externalities,
(c) Tax incidence.
Annual Examination 2001
- What are the two FUNDAMENTAL CAUSES OF MARKET FAILURE? Why does government intervention become necessary in each of the causes?
- Give a detailed account of the STRUCTURE AND GROWTH OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE IN PAKISTAN over the last 20 years.
- Explain the meaning of TAX INCIDENCE. What factors determine the incidence of certain tax?
- Explain why FISCAL POLICY may remain unable to change the rate of inflation and unemployment in the long-run.
- Explain the concept of PARETO OPTIMALITY. What conditions need to be satisfied for the existence of Pareto Optimality?
- The ultimate justification of FISCAL POLICY lies in its distributive and allocational roles only. Discuss.
- Use the income-leisure trade off framework to compare the effects of a lump-sum INCOME TAX with a proportional income tax.
- Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Management of domestic debt in Pakistan,
(b) Samuelson principle,
(c) Equity and the ability to pay.
Annual Examination 2002
- Define the concept and definition of PUBLIC FINANCE. Also define the scope of Public Finance.
- Define DIRECT AND INDIRECT TAXES, and explain their merits and demerits.
- Discuss the economic importance of GOVERNMENT BUDGET.
- Discuss the critical evaluation of FISCAL POLICY, instrument of Fiscal Policy and its objectives.
- Explain the meaning of PUBLIC DEBTS and classification of Public Debts. Also define the sources of Public Debts.
- Discuss the salient features of TAXATION SYSTEM OF PAKISTAN. Give suggestions to improve taxation of Pakistan.
- Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Principles of taxation,
(b) Market failure and its causes,
(c) Private versus public finance,
(d) Sources of public debts.
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