Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Instructions: 1) Attempt four questions.
2) Part A and B of any question should be answered in the same order and not haphazardly
3) Make are noted against each question.
1. a) Management contains both elements, those of a science and those of an art. Comment.
b) Describe the functions of the manager.
2. a) Explain span of management, and also state the factors that determine whether the span of management will be wide or narrow.
b) State the advantages of departmentation by territory.
3. a) What steps can an executive take to maintain control, Briefly discuss them.
b) How the budget can prove to be an effective controlling device? Briefly discuss the different types of budgets.
4. a) Why the committees criticized so much , briefly discuss them.
b) Do you favor a policy of promotion from within, why or why not? Discuss.
5. a) What are generally the objectives of commercial policy of a country?
b) What arguments are offered for adopting the policy of protection instead of free trade? Discuss it with reference to Pakistan.
6. a) Discuss cost benefit analysis as a method of project evaluation.
b) Define National Income. State the difficulties involved in the measurement of National Income.
7. a) Explain the term inventory control. Discuss the importance of inventory control under the present circumstances of Pakistan.
b) Describe the role of public debt in an under-developed economy.
8. a) What preliminary consideration should be borne in mind prior to the Discuss.
b) Discuss the significance of management studies in Pakistan’s developing economy.
9. Write short notes on any four of the following:
a) Fredrick Taylor
b) MBO (Management by Objectives)
c) Product life cycle
d) Market Segmentation
e) Market research
f) Job enrichment.
1. Discuss the relationship between responsibility and delegation of authority.
2. What type of departmentalism might be suitable in the following cases and why?
a) Financial institution
b) KDA
c) Educational Institutions.
3. Suggest a useful way to segment markets for each of the following products/service. Attempt any two:
a) Books
b) Housing industry (as declared recently)
c) Improved mass transport facility.
Discuss in the light of the existing demand for products/service and their present segmentation. Also what improvements would you want to incorporate and the factors that operate to influence the potential purchase of this product/service.?
4. Why are people willing to pay more for a branded service or product than for an unbranded product/service? What does this tell you of the value of branding?
5. Why has motivation and leading gained increased importance in human resource management? Discuss.
6. a) Discuss the steps involved in developing and implementing a p1an.
b) With increased uncertainty, planning becomes more difficult and important. Discuss.
7. How should countries respond to an ever-changing marketing environment?
8. Explain the positioning strategy and the target market of Pepsi-Cola.
Which information would you recommend consumer life styles of consumer demographics? Give examples of how you would use each type of information.
9. Write short notes on any two:
a) Product line pricing for multinationals.
b) Life cycle of products.
c) Difference in management practices in Pakistan and abroad.
1. a) Explain the concept of Scientific Management. Show the weakness as well.
b) Co-ordination is the essence of manager-ship” Discuss and explain the concept propounded by Ms Paper Follet.
2. a) Draw and organizational hierarchy chart of a college or University and show the line and staff authority with regard to specific posts.
b) Name the bases of departmentation and explain the need of such activities.
3. a) Write a brief note on the comparative merits and demerits of centralization and decentralization.
b) Do you think the announcement of the present government to hold local bodies’ elections is an expression of decentralization in organizations? Justify with arguments.
4. a) Do you consider the policy of privatization of industrial units as a part of the agenda of political governments to bring about a balance. of public and private sectors? Argue.
b) Write a brief account of the policy of downsizing organizations in Pakistan in recent years.
5. a) Explain Abraham Maslow’s theory of need as motivation.
b) What is meant by in managing? Why groups are formed in organizations? Explain.
6. a) Discuss the significance of Operational Research in management.
b) Explain the following
(i) PERT
(ii) EOQ
(iii) Game theory
7. a) Assess the economic effects of advertising on television. Name some channels.
b) How would you determine the product policy of a new toilet soap?
8. a) What is the organizational difference between a product project and a service project. Illustrate.
b) Explain the Is it properly done in Pakistan? Give examples.
1. a) Henry Fayol prescribed general principles of management. Briefly explain them.
b) Explain the following briefly.
i) Managerial Capitalism
ii) Elton Mayo
iii) University of Management and Function
iv) Functional authority.
2. a) Explain span of management and also state the factors that determine whether the span of management will be wide or narrow.
b) State the role of committee in management and also state the positive reasons for constituting the committees.
3. a) Describe the characteristics of a good control system.
b) How budgets can prove to be an effective controlling device? Briefly explain the different types of budgets.
4. Write an essay on “Management Development” in Pakistan.
5. a) State why do the companies segment and target marketing?
b) What is motivation? What are the three critical factors effecting motivation.
6. a) What arguments are offered for adopting the policy of protection by most of the less developed countries against the free trade policy? Discuss it with reference to Pakistan.
b) Explain inventory control and also state its importance more with reference to Pakistan in its present economic circumstances.
7. a) Explain market research and write a complete note on the benefits of market research with special reference to Pakistan’s economy.
b) State the characteristics of present day business.
8. a) Discuss the significance of management studies in Pakistan’s developing economy. What efforts have been made in Pakistan towards its development?
b) Discuss Maslow’s theory of needs as motivation.
1. Explain the steps involved in developing and implementing plan and also define why planning is necessary in the success of an organization?
2. Explain the difference between centralization and decentralization of authority and also define their advantages and disadvantages.
3. Describe the importance and benefits of Market Research and also discuss various modern methods of market research
4. Discuss the role of advertising in the success of an organization and also explain various techniques of advertising in Modern Management System.
5. Describe the role of foreign direct investment in an underdeveloped economy and also define its advantages and disadvantages in the promotion of economic activities.
6. Why has motivation and leading gained increased importance in human resource management? Discuss.
7. What do you know about the Abraham Maslow’s theory of need as motivation also defines its practical importance in modern management?
8. Why the committees are criticized so much? Also explain the benefits and process of setting committees in an organization.
9. Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Life Cycle of product
b) Market Segmentation
c) Management by Objective (MBO)
d) Information Technology.
Time: 3 hours Max
Marks: 100
(i) Attempt any FIVE questions
(ii) All questions carry equal marks
Q1 (a) Explain
the principle contribution of F W Taylor to the development of management.
(b) Explain Henry Fayol's
Management Theory.
Q2 (a) Explain
the process of decision making. Also explain the classification of decisions.
(b) Explain the selection procedure
of an alternative in decision making.
Q3 (a) Explain
and evaluate the external factors affecting staffing.
(b) Explain recruitment and
selection process.
Q4 Compare the functional and divisional
types of departmentalization, including their respective advantages and
Q5 Explain Strength, Weakness,
Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis. Briefly conduct a SWOT analysis for a
hypothetical organisation.
Q6 Discuss
different methods of advertisement with their merits and demerits.
Q7 (a) Explain
the term motivation also explain the motivation process.
(b) The performance of a worker is
a function of ability working conditions and motivation. Comment.
Time: 3 hours Max
Marks: 100
(i) Attempt any FIVE questions
(ii) All questions carry equal marks
Q1 Define
Management. What are the functions managers perform to attain the set goals?
Q2 Explain and
discuss the concept of formal and informal organisation.
Q3 What is MBO? Explain the steps
involved in MBO comprehensive management function it has a wider applications
like planning, motivation, and performance evaluation.
Q4 What are
different types of decisions? Explain rational decision making process.
Q5 Define leadership.
Explain different styles of leadership based on authority.
Q6 What are
the different types of communication? Discuss in detail.
Q7 What is
planning? Explain the steps involved in planning.
Time: 3 hours Max
Marks: 100
(i) Attempt any FIVE questions
(ii) All questions carry equal marks
Q1 (a) Explain the importance of
Management. Also explain, is management an art or science of both?
(b) Explain different types of
Q2 Explain classifications of decisions
and explain the process of Decision Making. Also discuss the steps involved in
planning process.
Q3 Compare the functional and divisional
types of Departmentalization, including their respective advantages and
Q4 Discuss and explain the Staffing
Process. Also explain the external factors that affect staffing process.
Q5 (a) Describe theory X and theory Y of
leadership and compare both merits and demerits of these theories.
(b) Explain the concepts of
Motivation. Explain the flow diagram of Maslow's hierarchy.
Q6 Explain the process of Controlling.
Also explain the factors influencing the effective steps for the direct
Q7 Explain each element of communication
process. Also discuss different methods of advertisement with their merits and
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